Our Services
AHyRA leverages on strengths of the partners to develop, test, and facilitate commercial release of Hybrid rice germplasm. This is being done through demand driven development of rice hybrids and parental lines using both 2-line and 3-line hybrid rice technologies.
Upon generation of hybrids a joint testing mechanism is in place for the evaluation of the hybrids in multilocational advanced yield trials to identify promising hybrids to be entered into the national performance trials (NPT). This model assesses all the newly developed hybrids by the different partners and assembles them into trial blocks. These germplasms are then tested at different locations and countries by partners with comparative advantage and ability to implement the testing in each location and country. This model helps in reducing the cost of testing hybrids.
The best performing hybrids are then jointly entered into NPTs and DUS as a prerequisite for commercial release.