Development & Testing of Hybrid Rice Germplasm
Creation of Business & Market Linkages
Facilitating Enabling Environment for Uptake & Adoption of Hybrid Rice
Capacity Building of Stakeholders in Hybrid Rice Technologies
Creating Awareness & Knowledge Management
Welcome to AHyRA
Rice (Oryza spp.) is a main food crop for more than one-half of the world’s population and has become an important staple in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where its consumption is rapidly growing at 6 – 12% per year (approximately 30 million tonnes of milled rice). Despite the exponential consumption rate, SSA produces only 16 million tonnes of milled rice per year. As a result, Africa bridges the deficit of more than 12 million MT through importation valued at over US$5 billion in foreign currencies.
A viable option for tackling the deficit in production lies in increasing productivity per unit area, currently averaging at 2.4 MT/ha in SSA, which is lower than the global average of 4.3 MT/ha (FAOSTAT). This can be achieved by exposing rice farmers to rice varieties with improved genetic potential using the benefits of heterosis (hybrid technology) coupled with a rigorous seed quality control mechanism.
Development and production of hybrid rice offers a means to achieve significant yield gains in the region while building viable agri-businesses. It is one of the key technologies needed by Africa to achieve rice self-sufficiency for enhanced food security and improved rural livelihoods for SSA’s small holder rice farmers.

Our Services
Where We Work

Revolutionizing Rice Farming
Stakeholders in the rice sector have locally developed parental lines and different types of rice hybrids with yields of up to 10 MT/ha under irrigated conditions and up to 7 MT/ha under rainfed conditions. Also, these hybrids have proven to out yield modern inbred varieties by 10-30%.
To consolidate and accelerate the development of parental lines, hybrid rice production, release, and commercialization for the benefit of African farmers, the Alliance for Hybrid Rice for Africa (AHyRA) was formed and brought together stakeholders in the rice sector towards achievement of rice self-sufficiency in the SSA.
What's New

J.Muthie – 14th March 2024
AATF and Agri All Africa (AaA) collaborate to improve rice productivity in Kenya

J.Muthie – 15th June 2021
Kenya to start commercial production of hybrid rice, cut imports
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